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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yo people!

Oh yeas today is dongzhi
And, according to the TV,
Tay Ping Hui said that today,
The day is the shortest and the night is the longest!

Believe or not?
Ask yourself.

Oh, I made the glutinous rice ball
# Pardon me if the glutinous is spelled wrongly. #

Yep, agreed with Cheryl - After making your hands
Goes dry.

I love eating glutinous rice ball(:

Oh, I am at my mother's mother's house.
Confusing, huh.

Cut my hair today
And I look so EWWWWW.
I suck man!

Wanna go SingDee's house tomorrow?(:
I need to go there 'cos I need to buy
School shoe and marhsmallow.

Anyone cares to have a
Hot Piping Chocolate Marhsmallow Frappe?

I wanna "experiment" on that recipe.
