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Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Putting Bedok South Secondary as my first choice is my greatest regret."

I wonder if Secondary School students has a blog...
Well I guess, it's a YES,

Blog is the most convenient thing to communicate.
I am going to use my blog as my secondary school "show-off".


Sorry for being so hao lian

Wonder what kind of friends I could make in BSSS.
People like HuiXin? Hope NOT

Okays, 3 sets of uniform and 2 sets of P.E t-shirt (including shorts) cost my mother
How pathetic the school is.
$$ face.
# No offence #
I mean, primary school's uniform and P.E t-shirt
Cost way back cheaper.
I mean I am not those 'aunty' type,
But this year there's the recession and economy crisis.

How could people live in that kind of conditions?
Maybe a few years later,
3 sets of unifrom plus 2 sets of P.E t-shirts costs

Ha, I know it's impossible,

Bedok South is a very big school.
Plus, there's an indoor sports hall building.

And, there's only 8 stalls selling food.
How could they serve us?

The school is big, but little stalls.

Never mind.
I think I shall not vent my anger at my blog.
My blog is too innocent.

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