Thursday, December 11, 2008

Since I am busy yesterday,
I'll update yesterday's afternoon incidents
Met with SingDee at the shoe shop
Then send my mother go cut her hair
Chatted with the Shoe shop auntie.
And SingDee was like.... Erm,
She wanted this pair of black shoe,
Which the size is 39, I think.
But SingDee could not fit into it.
Then, there was another pair of black shoe.
Which have SingDee's size.
But, the so called 'belt' on the shoe
Is transparent so, she doesn't want it.
While deciding on which pair to buy,
I asked SingDee to help me find a pair of slippers.
She helped me found one.
So nice larhs!
After the hair treatment on my mother,
I lead my mother to the shoe shop
To help me pay for the slippers.
Then, my mother said that the black
shoe with the transparent belt is also quite nice.
But SingDee does not want it.
After my mother went to Bedok to do some
shopping, SingDee decided to buy
a golden hump hope it is spelled correctly
which is size 35.
Which is a smaller size than SingDee's foot.
Went to buy MapleStory Slurpee at 7-Eleven
Coke + Peach.
Proceeded to SingDee's house.
Used the computer.
Then, I offered to cook Maggi Mee.
Then, we both wanted to eat egg
So I cracked the egg into a bowl.
No egg shell in the mixture.
I managed to crack the egg perfectly.
For the first time. Teehee. :)
After eating,
Went to play Habbo.
Then, I met XinLan.
She's a pro
50 + furnis and a HC member.
Remembered lastime she bought 60 credits
at one go.
Oh my>
I only 20 credits at one go.
Then, she asked me whether her
maid got give my family stuff
As her grandma went to Malaysia.
Then I was at SingDee's house so I dunno anything.
So, I anyhow guess.
Then I wanted to say 'Satay Fish'
Then accidentaly said 'Stay Fish'.
Then I went home.
Met my mother at the bus-stop
out of the blue.
Played Habbo when I reach home.
Labels: Friends, Twilight