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Friday, December 12, 2008
Lame interviews

For the sake of updating my blog,
I shall interview myself
with some of the blogskins I'd designed.

{Wave!%Goodbye- interviewing Melody<3}
#9 ~ Emo - Is in Love {Melody L's }

I'd heard that most of your skin's images comes from ImageChef. Why is it so?
ImageChef is a place where you can find quality images, though some really look so animeted.

Why not deviantART for images and Live Journal for icons?
I am not so familiar with them when I started BlogSkin-ing. I think I shall stick to ImageChef. I know you're familiar with them. I really like Live Journal's icons but, I think I shall stick to cartoony images and stuffs.

What you've learnt from The BlogSkin community?
HTML codes, and plus, not to rip someone else's skin. It's not a nice thing to do. :(

Any wishes?
Yeah! Everyone in BlogSkins.com will have the same wish as me: TO GET SOTD!!

Any last comments to the people who wish to create a skin?
If you use basecodes, make sure you credit the basecoders. The best thing is you do not rip too. Make sure that your skin is at least 50% different from the original if you use basecodes. Credit every resources that you've taken from. And the best, you type out your own HTML codes and make your one and only original skin. :D GOOD LUCK!


{Melody<3 interviewing Wave!%Goodbye-}
Wave!%Goodbye- ; Love Story

Any special reasons why you want me to interview you on this skin?
Oh yes! I LOVE this skin. I love the lovely icons and layout. And, it's my most recent skin and the skin which has the most downloads! ;)

Oh I see... The icons are taken from Increasingly and PanicLover4Life
Oh yes. The icons are so exquisite :D

When you started skinning?
1st December 2008, for this account. My previous account? 2nd June 2008. :O

Wow, that's amazing!
Amazing? You're kidding me.

Any wishes?
To get a freaking-hard-to-get SOTD. ;) I'll be delighted if I got one. :D

Any advises to the peeps out there who wishes to make a skin?
Yep! Please don't rip!! Credit every resources that you take. And, ask permission to the basecoders before using his/her's basecodes! Bon-skinning!

I've updated my profile.
Please view it.
Thanks. :D

Both skin's URL are at my profile page.

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