Friday, June 27, 2008
what a day (4th post)

(Blogged @ 27th June 2008)
*Yawns* Woke up at 6.20pm =X
So late =.=''
Went to take the bus,
To school.
Reached school.
Copied the Cloze Passage
(I knowdunno how to do)
Then, had the stupid exercise at school.
After that, Mdm Norah called me.
She told me "Now ZiQun, you're a big girl."
"And I believe you can make your choice."
"And I believe you that you'll do better in Maths Group 3."
"So, do you want to go? Miss Dayanah teach slower than me."
"By a bit."
I replied " Okay."
No one bid farewell for me.
Then, Mrs Rafiq asked the P6 pupils to stay back.
Allocate us to the I Can Do It programme.
I dunno in what 8 or 9 or 10 gruop.
I only know that I am in Mr Hadi's group
Sianzz... Malay guy teacher.
8.15pm - Physical Education (PE)
There isno PE.
Good! ^^
Do Grammer Test 5
8.30pm - Health Education (HE)
Mrs Najina taught us about HIV and AIDS
So the toot.
9.00pm - Music
Went to Music Room.
Azfar, Leenmel and Kamal had their Music Test.
They sing like...
Don't want say liao larhs.
Wanted to retake the Music Test.
Planned to sing 'Tong Hua'
An outdated Chinese song.
9.30pm - Library
Read some books.
10pm - Recess
Bought Fishball Noodles.
HuiXin treat me Barley Water.
^^ Hoho.
10.30pm - English
Went to retake the NE Quiz.
Did badly.
Worse than last time.
8000 , Captain
But luckily,
Teacher will take the higher score.
So, my final score is...
9760, Colonel!!!!! ^o^
11.30pm - Chinese
Went to the Computer Lab again
Shuang bo doh!
Them, the YongXun,
Made my chair up and down
So irritating
Soon, 1 hour past.
12.30pm - Mathematics
Had Maths.
Do some Volume sums
So hard.
Got homework.
But Mdm Norah told me that
"You may choose not to do."
'Cos I am going to Group 3 next Monday!
But I am still going to do.
1.30pm - After School, Siglap Playground Session
Went to playground with Siti & SingDee
Bought Coke.
Shared with SingDee.
Then, they went home very early.
Waited 45 mins + for HuiXin
Finally, they arrived. ^^
Played the swing.
Everyone must be swing.
(Meaning turning the swing's string)
So scary & dizzy.
Then, WL & C went to my house,
To avoid the scorching sun.
xoxo,luv 520- -
show me the love for me}}
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