(Blogged @ 25th June 2008)
7.30pm- -
Was suppose to go down to the hall.
Then the Chris say what Mrs Tay ask we all stay in class.
Wasted our time.
Then, took the courage,
When to the hall.
An Indian/Malay man was talking about PSLE thingy.
He said "If your like Maths, Maths will also like you.
If you hate Maths, Maths will also hate you."
LOL =.=''
Some more he say what subject have feelings.
What nonsense. =.=''
Subjects are non-living things.
Yea, agree with me?
8.00pm- -
Lessons starts.
Revised English
9.00pm- -
Mother Tongue.
Same old thing.
Blarh Blarh Blarh =.=''
10.00pm- -
Bought rice.
Yum Yum! ^o^
10.30pm- -
Went to Computer Lab 3
Took the NE Quiz.
Quite simple.
'Cos about Singapore History
If I am not
I got the highest score.
09760. Rank: Colonel (Pronouced: krn nl)
So so happy. Ha Ha! ^o^
Revised some angles sums
Do some classwork.
Then, the bell rang.
Gotta go
After school, busy. So gotta sign off for now!
Going to shower.
xoxo,luv 520- -
the rainbows expressedmy love;
for you}}
Labels: What a Day