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Friday, June 6, 2008
90th Post

Yup, this is my 90th Post. Okayz. Means I blogged for more than 90 days lerhx. =X
Sianx. Yesterday, had a dream again. About ghosts again. Then, termites crawled over my face. Yukes. >.<'' Hope that doesn't happen in real life.

Yesterday, went to Bedok early in the morning around 9.30p.m (That's early for me. =.='') with my mother & my grandma. My grandma went to the clinic for some medical checkup. So, I went to the Princess Cinema's McDonald's to get somehing to eat. Yummy. Hotcakes. There's the Maple Syrup. [Maple, huh.] Drank Milo then waited for my grandma's turn to see the doctor. The doctor is a girl. And of course, she is kind. LoL?!?!?!? =X After that, my grandma went to eat her lunch @ a hawker centre while me and my mother went to do some shopping. Bought a new watch. Yellow and White in colour. Nice =.='' After that, went back to the hawker centre and I ordered chicken rice. $2 only per plate. Cheap right?!?!?! LoL! Then, bought Soya Milk with PEARLS @ Mr Bean. Of course, not that stupid Mr Bean =.='' Then, took a taxi home.

Haizz... One day so fast gone. Hope can be longer so have more holidays. =X

xoxo,luv 520--
agreed with only want love, don't want marriage}}

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