Monday, June 2, 2008
Tanjung Pinang--
30th May 2008 - 1st Day @ Tanjung PinangArrived at school at 6.45am. LOL. Waited for SingDee. Haizz, waited for her so long. Thought she will not come. =.0''Went to the hall for briefing. Then, SingDee came. Phew =.=''. Chit chat bla bla bla.Beep.... Arrived @ TMFT. Nice. Looked like Changi Airport o.0'' LOL >.<''Boarded the ferry. DISSY. *Puke*. {of course, I did not puke. But I feel like puking.} Bought Pop Mie in the ferry. YUMMY! Only SGD1.00. CHEAP. LOL!When we arrive in Tanjung Pinang, went to the school. Sat in a really mini van. Squeeze her and there. LOLWas being welcomed. Then, ate lunch at the school. The rice was hard, the vege was hard, the keropok was NICE. At least, I get to complete the plate of rice. LOL. After that, went painting the tables and chairs. The paint was red in colour. Likes so traditional. LOL?!?!?! =.=''. Watch a performance at the school. Wonderful^^ Liked the malay dance. Waited and waited. Finally, get to go to the hotel. Named Halim Hotel. Weird? The hotel likes so scary. The toilet likes so the TOOT. Can peep through derhs. >.<'' Ate dinner. Had a party with SingDee, Ainin, Widad and Anis. Watched Rhythm of Life. Muahahaha =.='' Slept for only 1 hour. Then, went to Ainin, Widad and Anis's room. *PLAYED AND LAUGH WAKAKAKAKA*. LoL T.T'' After that, went back room. Slept for another 2 hours. Watched the TV. Sianx. 31st May 2008 - 2nd Day @ Tanjung PinangWaited for out turn to eat breakfast. The breakfast was delicious!! YUMMY. Drank a cup of MILO. Hello? I was suffering from dehydration LOL. Went back to the school. Watched a performance again. Then, had a game. Had lunch in school again. Just took the keropok and a cup of dessert. YUMMY. After that, went shopping. Instead of shopping, went to the arcade. Wee hahaha. Fun. Soon, 45 minutes past. Went back to the Tanjung Pinang Ferry Terminal. Took the ferry again. Was so energetic in the ferry. Soon, reached Singapore. So fast =.=''Haiz... Hope it is a 3D2N programme. Well, got to go. Seeya ^^
Mini van ------------------->
xoxo, luv you till death- waiting for you to say 'I love you'}}
Labels: Friends, Overseas, School
veuillez agréer l'expression de nos salutations distinguées
yours | truly

oh, hellooooooooo
ZIQUN((:, also known as the popular musician, Melzart.
She's a HUGE fan of the sexy, flirty and amazing LADY GAGA ♥.
Her true friends in school, Regine, Xiaotong & Denise came out
with this oh-so-well-so-idiotic name, 抹杀. She is currently
in Opera Estate Pri Bedok South Sec with a position called
Eye Care Monitor 2D Editoral Team. Her wonderful class is 6 Caring
Sec 2 Dinosaur. She loves being a Brownie Guide, which has been promoted to Patrol Second recently and a happy little girl in CABIN. She is located in the Little Red Dot.
Please give her presents on 26 November, and her horoscope is non either than Sagittarius. She is a crazy fan of Habbo.
If you ever saw habbone in Habbo, do add her.
Any quires should be directed to here.
Countdown to her birthday: 
True friends in BDS{♥}
2 DINOSAUR(: '10 {♥}
SingDee {♥}
Cheryl {♥}
Myself {♥}
CHOCOLATES!(((((: {♥}
God {♥}
Family {♥}
Nature {♥}
Cycling {♥}
Spammers {X}
Smokers {X}
Betrayers {X}
Liars {X}
Buy another Habbo 200c {√}
Be HC Member (((: {√}
Another violet infalte [2nd] {√}
Create group in Habbo :DDD {√}
TDP [habbone] LOYAL EMPLOYEES. :DD {√}
iPod { }
Handphone {√}
Handphone strap :DD {√}
New wallet {√}
MacBook { }
Monday, June 2, 2008
Tanjung Pinang--
30th May 2008 - 1st Day @ Tanjung PinangArrived at school at 6.45am. LOL. Waited for SingDee. Haizz, waited for her so long. Thought she will not come. =.0''Went to the hall for briefing. Then, SingDee came. Phew =.=''. Chit chat bla bla bla.Beep.... Arrived @ TMFT. Nice. Looked like Changi Airport o.0'' LOL >.<''Boarded the ferry. DISSY. *Puke*. {of course, I did not puke. But I feel like puking.} Bought Pop Mie in the ferry. YUMMY! Only SGD1.00. CHEAP. LOL!When we arrive in Tanjung Pinang, went to the school. Sat in a really mini van. Squeeze her and there. LOLWas being welcomed. Then, ate lunch at the school. The rice was hard, the vege was hard, the keropok was NICE. At least, I get to complete the plate of rice. LOL. After that, went painting the tables and chairs. The paint was red in colour. Likes so traditional. LOL?!?!?! =.=''. Watch a performance at the school. Wonderful^^ Liked the malay dance. Waited and waited. Finally, get to go to the hotel. Named Halim Hotel. Weird? The hotel likes so scary. The toilet likes so the TOOT. Can peep through derhs. >.<'' Ate dinner. Had a party with SingDee, Ainin, Widad and Anis. Watched Rhythm of Life. Muahahaha =.='' Slept for only 1 hour. Then, went to Ainin, Widad and Anis's room. *PLAYED AND LAUGH WAKAKAKAKA*. LoL T.T'' After that, went back room. Slept for another 2 hours. Watched the TV. Sianx. 31st May 2008 - 2nd Day @ Tanjung PinangWaited for out turn to eat breakfast. The breakfast was delicious!! YUMMY. Drank a cup of MILO. Hello? I was suffering from dehydration LOL. Went back to the school. Watched a performance again. Then, had a game. Had lunch in school again. Just took the keropok and a cup of dessert. YUMMY. After that, went shopping. Instead of shopping, went to the arcade. Wee hahaha. Fun. Soon, 45 minutes past. Went back to the Tanjung Pinang Ferry Terminal. Took the ferry again. Was so energetic in the ferry. Soon, reached Singapore. So fast =.=''Haiz... Hope it is a 3D2N programme. Well, got to go. Seeya ^^
Mini van ------------------->
xoxo, luv you till death- waiting for you to say 'I love you'}}
Labels: Friends, Overseas, School