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Thursday, June 19, 2008
disaster in school

Yesterday, 18th June 2008, Wednesday, During the Break in School... Disaster strikes at my friends. (including myself, la!)

Firstly, we all bought food at western stall except WeeAnne.
Then, found a table to settle down.
Then, I occupy a space to eat.
Then, realised the space I occupied was HuiXin's.
Then, WeeAnne (the extra one), came.
Then, no more space for HuiXin and WeeAnne to sit.
Then, they went faraway to sit.
Then, they gossiped.
Then, we also gossiped.
Then, everyone gossiped.
Then, HuiXin asked YunQing to go over.
Then, HuiXin asked her some questions. (whether we got gossip about them)
Then, HuiXin asked Paul Nelson to go over by tapping his shoulders.
Then, asked the same questions.
Then, HuiXin and WeeAnne came to me.
Then, asked the same old grandpa questions.
Then, disaster strikes, lorhs
Then, went back to class.
Then, blah blah blah.
(No more thens.)

After school,
Went to the old place.
Went walking down the streets.
Saw WeeAnne and HuiXin.
Knew they wanted to go the old place and ransack our bags,
So, followed them.
They went to my bag.
Opened it.
Wanted to take my homework.
But, to no avail. Haha! ^o^''
Cos' they saw me (my head) =.=''
So, never take!
They went to the swing.
WeiLiang and YunQing came.
HuiXin asked WeiLiang and YunQing wanted to friend who.
YunQing decided to go along with HuiXin.
WeiLiang then followed us.
(so sad, they got separated)
Siti came to the old place.
Asked Siti who she wanted to friend.
Me. Muhahahahaha ^^''
After Muhahahahaha-ing, it began to rain cats and dogs.
Luckily, there is no cats and dogs.
Went to CC.
Went to get something to drink.
After that, found a place to settle down.
Thunder and thunder.
Think-ed, decided to go my house.
My good friends followed me to avoid the rain.
So, they stayed until 5.30pm

End of the disaster story,

xoxo,luv 520--
miracles happens in friendship and love}}

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