Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Name 20 people whom you know. Mixing of boys and girls will be fun :D
1. SingDee.
2. Alicia.
3. Cheryl.
4. Shifa.
5. Dewi.
6. Siti S.
7. Aisyah.
8. WeeAnne.
9. Paul Nelson.
10. Richelle.
11. WenPow.
12. Chris.
13. Kelu.
14. LiMeng.
15. Katerina.
16. MengLeng.
17. JunSheng.
18. Harith.
19. Mairah.
20. ZhiGang.
1. How did you meet number 15?[Kat]
- In school!
But I forgot when I knew her. ):
2. Do you love number 5?[Dewi]
- Oh yes! As a good friend! ^^
3. What happens if number 1 goes out with number 20?[SingDee&ZhiGang]
- Impossible. They both have a crush on someone else.
4. Have you bathe with number 13?[Kelu]
- Nope.
5. Have you slapped number 16's butt?[MengLeng]
- Nope. MengLeng would always hang out with JiaHui and Grace.
6. If number 19 proposes to you, will you accept?[Mairah]
- Er, Mairah is a girl. =.=''
7.If number 10 left you all of a sudden and went with 17, what would you do?[Richelle&JunSheng]
- OMG> JunSheng is a gay. Richelle won't go with him.
8.Would you die for number 14?[LiMeng]
- Reason?
9. Do you think number 12 is a hottie?[Chris]
- Ha! For me, no. For someone else, YES!
10. Do you think number 2 is wooing number 18?[Alicia&Harith]
11. What do you think of number 7?[Aisyah]
- She's a true friend.
12. Do you have a crush on number 3 before?[Cheryl]
- Yes! As a friend. ^.^
13. If number 4 likes number 9 but number 9 likes you, what would you do?[Shifa&Paul.]
-Oh, I'll help Shifa, to help Paul like her.
14. What will you do if number 8 is suffering from cancer?[WeeAnne]
15. If number 11 buys a bra for number 6's birthday present, what do you think the colour would be?[WenPow&Siti S]
- Oh my. Would WenPow do that?
10 "lucky" people I've chosen to do this:
2.Paul Nelson.
Labels: Quiz, Tags
veuillez agréer l'expression de nos salutations distinguées
yours | truly

oh, hellooooooooo
ZIQUN((:, also known as the popular musician, Melzart.
She's a HUGE fan of the sexy, flirty and amazing LADY GAGA ♥.
Her true friends in school, Regine, Xiaotong & Denise came out
with this oh-so-well-so-idiotic name, 抹杀. She is currently
in Opera Estate Pri Bedok South Sec with a position called
Eye Care Monitor 2D Editoral Team. Her wonderful class is 6 Caring
Sec 2 Dinosaur. She loves being a Brownie Guide, which has been promoted to Patrol Second recently and a happy little girl in CABIN. She is located in the Little Red Dot.
Please give her presents on 26 November, and her horoscope is non either than Sagittarius. She is a crazy fan of Habbo.
If you ever saw habbone in Habbo, do add her.
Any quires should be directed to here.
Countdown to her birthday: 
True friends in BDS{♥}
2 DINOSAUR(: '10 {♥}
SingDee {♥}
Cheryl {♥}
Myself {♥}
CHOCOLATES!(((((: {♥}
God {♥}
Family {♥}
Nature {♥}
Cycling {♥}
Spammers {X}
Smokers {X}
Betrayers {X}
Liars {X}
Buy another Habbo 200c {√}
Be HC Member (((: {√}
Another violet infalte [2nd] {√}
Create group in Habbo :DDD {√}
TDP [habbone] LOYAL EMPLOYEES. :DD {√}
iPod { }
Handphone {√}
Handphone strap :DD {√}
New wallet {√}
MacBook { }
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Name 20 people whom you know. Mixing of boys and girls will be fun :D
1. SingDee.
2. Alicia.
3. Cheryl.
4. Shifa.
5. Dewi.
6. Siti S.
7. Aisyah.
8. WeeAnne.
9. Paul Nelson.
10. Richelle.
11. WenPow.
12. Chris.
13. Kelu.
14. LiMeng.
15. Katerina.
16. MengLeng.
17. JunSheng.
18. Harith.
19. Mairah.
20. ZhiGang.
1. How did you meet number 15?[Kat]
- In school!
But I forgot when I knew her. ):
2. Do you love number 5?[Dewi]
- Oh yes! As a good friend! ^^
3. What happens if number 1 goes out with number 20?[SingDee&ZhiGang]
- Impossible. They both have a crush on someone else.
4. Have you bathe with number 13?[Kelu]
- Nope.
5. Have you slapped number 16's butt?[MengLeng]
- Nope. MengLeng would always hang out with JiaHui and Grace.
6. If number 19 proposes to you, will you accept?[Mairah]
- Er, Mairah is a girl. =.=''
7.If number 10 left you all of a sudden and went with 17, what would you do?[Richelle&JunSheng]
- OMG> JunSheng is a gay. Richelle won't go with him.
8.Would you die for number 14?[LiMeng]
- Reason?
9. Do you think number 12 is a hottie?[Chris]
- Ha! For me, no. For someone else, YES!
10. Do you think number 2 is wooing number 18?[Alicia&Harith]
11. What do you think of number 7?[Aisyah]
- She's a true friend.
12. Do you have a crush on number 3 before?[Cheryl]
- Yes! As a friend. ^.^
13. If number 4 likes number 9 but number 9 likes you, what would you do?[Shifa&Paul.]
-Oh, I'll help Shifa, to help Paul like her.
14. What will you do if number 8 is suffering from cancer?[WeeAnne]
15. If number 11 buys a bra for number 6's birthday present, what do you think the colour would be?[WenPow&Siti S]
- Oh my. Would WenPow do that?
10 "lucky" people I've chosen to do this:
2.Paul Nelson.
Labels: Quiz, Tags