1. FINGERS: Melody
2. CHIN: m elllllllllocy [Melocy?]
3. ONE FINGER, EYES CLOSED: m3just [Oops!]
4. ELBOW: m,eloodfyu [=.='' I am such a failure.]
5. NOSE: j3elloooy [WTF?!?!?!]
6. PALM: mnewrl;odfuyj [OMG.]
1. List four random items you have:
// Cushions, QQ Bear wallet, Pooh & Tigger bottle <3 & 2 true friends. ^^
2. Have you ever slept in the back of the car?
// Duh,
3. Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it?
// Nope.
4. List four people you look up to the most.
// Daddy, Mummy, Cheryl & SingDee.
5. How many pets do you own as of now?
// Zero.
6. Which do you prefer? White or Black?
// Both. :)
7. Who is your most played character?
// Melody<3
8. Choose one or the other, not both: Being stuck on an island with a friend, or being stuck on an island with 5 acquaintances.
// Can I have 2 friends with me?
9. Name three aspects that tell who you are.
//My specs? Short hair?
One mole beside my mouth? Bunny tooth?
10. If you could have a power what would it be?
// Wish I could stop the time and kill my brother.
11. Who was the last person you talked to?
12. Who was the last person who told you,"I love you"?
// Cheryl, last night.
13. Write down the first five words that pop into your head.
// Friends, Happy, Cheerful, Him, Birthday?!?!?
14. What’s one thing you wish you could do better?
// My PSLE.
15. Do you like the way you are?
// Dunno. :)
16. Choose, Summer or winter
//Winter. I love snow.
17. Rain or snow?
// Snow. I love it.
18. Water or ice?
//Both. I like munching ice.
19. List two odd things about yourself.
// Making up JaJa and GaGa? =X
20. Which are two of your bad habits?
//Too naive and acting stupid; retarded =.=''
21. What’s 1 of your biggest pet peeve?
Now list 6 people who should do this quiz:
// SingDee, Cheryl, Richelle, Paul, XinLan, Mairah
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