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Monday, November 17, 2008


1. Name your crush on someone recently:
- Er, no one.

2. Ever confessed before?
- Confessed, but rejected.

3. Ever been heartbroken before?
- Yes, I must say.

4. Did anyone confessed to you before?
- No. I am too ugly.

5. Anyone like you?
- Yes, I must say, but, it's embrassing to reveal.


6. Your favourite teacher/s
- Miss Dayanah, Mdm Norah, Mrs Tay, and many more. (:

7. Friends?
- Cheryl, SingDee, Siti, Dewi, and many more. (:

8. Enemy?
- Anyone who betrays me.

9. Favourite tuckshop food?
- Mee Rebus and Fishball Noodles. ^^

10. Favourite toilet?
- (A weird one), Level 1 Girls toilet.


11. Any true friends?
- Yup, Cheryl and SingDee

12. Will they leave you?
- NO! We're BFF~ Always.

13. Made any friends last two weeks?
- Yes, Richelle, through internet.

14. When's the last time you met her?
- After Farewell Party. She cycled to school.

15. Missing your friends now?
- OF COURSE! I love them, as a good friend (:


16. The last place you've gone with your friends?
- The Playground.

17. When was your last hug with your friends?
- 14 Nov, after Grad night.

18. The last place you've dine in together?
- At school.

19. The last person (friend) you met?
- Cheryl, before bidding farewell.

20. The most memories with?
- SingDee & Cheryl.

10 Persons must do:
- Alicia
- SingDee
- Cheryl
- Paul Nelson
- Jutima
- XinLan
- Mairah
- Shifa
- Richelle
- JaJa


cheryl, singdee & ziqun

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