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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Finally updating(:

It's gonna be a long post so be prepared !

Wheeeeeeeeee ! (:

I'd made 3 friends so far. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

They are : Grace, Denise & Regine.
They're all so pretty.
Serious. :DD

Oh yeas, Taufik [Hakim] is in my class.]
And there's a talk about Taufik and Hock Seng* [Apologise for the name spelled wrongly if necessary]

Er, it's about Taufik, who is special,
And plays with his pencils.
Yea, do not disturb him.
I hate those boys in my class.
They're damn ugly and so immature.
# So no offence, but that's the truth. #
And, they kept irritating Taufik.
I am sure when they're Taufik,
They'll feel sad being bullied.
I'll drop the subject ... =.=''

I don't like my History teacher .
Her name is Mrs Vasu,
And those boys in my class made fun of her name.
Mrs. Kiasu.

For my Chinese teacher, hmmms .
Her name is Mrs Tan .
Tan Bee Bee
Two bees . How scary .
LOLS no offence .

My Maths Teacher ?
Miss Lim .
She said that she could be gentle and fierce .
Be gentle with girls,
And fierce with boys please. (:

English teacher ?
Miss Elizabeth .
She speaks fluent English .
How envy-ious .
And, she quite pretty too !(:

Literature .
His name is : Mr Koo
But he isn't cool ehs .
He wears all those big big glasses, those retro style.
And, he's only 24 years old or 29 .
So young but so old fashioned .
And would you embarrass yourself infront of the whole class,
just to get one HACKS sweet ?
No right ?(:

My DM damn fierce and scary.
But, I saw her funny side today .
During assembly, she joked on us .
She said she a KuKu when crossing the road.
KuKu is stupid in Malay, I guess.
And standing by the traffic light
like a KuKu bird
Isn't that disgusting ?
Ewwww . . . . .

My form teacher is Miss Georene Kang.
She has been teaching for 9 years,
but she's still a Miss .

My Aesthetics teacher for DNT
Mr . Clement Lim
Clement is the name of my previous gay tutor.
Eeee-yer .

I had Fishball Noodles today,
And I'm eating noodles everyday .
How cool .

Anyone joining the Girl Guides ?
I'm joining.(:

Oh yeas, who wanna watch,
"Ponyo on The Cliff by the Sea" ?

Tell me . I'll be joining you(:

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