Labels: Bedok South
Bedok South Secondary CCA Fair Slideshow
Labels: Bedok South
Ok, got a lot of homework to do .
+ Geography
+ E. Maths
+ Science
+ Literature
My head can explode already.
Yay I wanna join Cabin Club. (:
I shall not reveal her name. I seek for your apology, _ _ _ _ _ _
And if you forgive me, give me a call or leave a tag at my tagboard or invite me to your blog.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
150 Sorry for you.
Forgive me please.
Labels: Bedok South, Friends
Felt like crying .
I must be strong
Secondary 1 already .
Cannot be cry baby .
Sorry to my loved ones .
Regine Mummy and Denise, Grace & Clara Jie Jie help me .
Shall end my post here.
Sorry . That's all I can say.
Labels: I need help
Just asking, will I look good with my frinch cuted to my eye-brown?
Give comments at Cbox. Thanks a lot! (:
Suddenly I feel like going school.
But want school to be dismissed early. ;)
I am a lazy bum (:
Today went for Cabin Club interview. =DD
Got this form need to fill in .
And the P/ic said "I would really like to have you in my club" =DD
Ok, took bus 45 then saw until Chris at the Tanah Merah MRT station .
HAHAHA Now I know where Chris live alr. =DD
Block 25, near Bedok Swimming Complex, I suppose. ;)
Saw SingDee
To SingDee:
At 4.22pm, I saw you at the bus-stop near your school.
And, when bus no. 2 arrived, you searched your bag for your wallet or Ez-Link card.
You could not manage to find your card.
So you went back to the bus-stop and took another bus.
How I know,
Because I was on Bus no. 2 exit door there ! =DD
So sad you never get to take the same bus as me.
Love my friends Denise, Regine, Grace & Jess
BFF !!! Y
[It's pathetic to have 4 friends only after 2 weeks in school]
Labels: Bedok South, Friends
Vasu Vasu !!!
Labels: Bedok South

Labels: Habbo
Okays, finally found some time to update my dead blog.
Today's like shit.
PE in the morning...
Longer than my school uniform =X
Met Faazerna and Yahui on the MRT platform.
How lucky. (:
Now I have a phobia to walk to school.
Big butterfly.
Isn't that disgusting?
You can imagine....
Ran about 14 laps in the hall.
So tiring. :(
Had 15 minutes of recess.
Argh. >:(
English, Literature, Geography, Chinese, History.
Went home alone. :(
But with my peppermint choco ice-cream.(:
Oh yeas, my bro's 'O' levels like....
Ie dunno how to say.
And yes, I could imagine the rest of 3 3/4 years in Bedok South Sec
Regine ! Denise ! Grace !
Save me from boredom.
Let's go catch a movie.
Wedding of The Year
or Ponyo?
And to those bitches out there. [ You know who you are ] :
If you think you're so pretty,
You would had LALALAS with him alr.
Labels: Bedok South, Update
I've made 4 friends. :DD
Grace, Regine, Denise and Jessica.
So happy(:
Labels: Bedok South
It's gonna be a long post so be prepared !
Wheeeeeeeeee ! (:
I'd made 3 friends so far. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
They are : Grace, Denise & Regine.
They're all so pretty.
Serious. :DD
Oh yeas, Taufik [Hakim] is in my class.]
And there's a talk about Taufik and Hock Seng* [Apologise for the name spelled wrongly if necessary]
Er, it's about Taufik, who is special,
And plays with his pencils.
Yea, do not disturb him.
I hate those boys in my class.
They're damn ugly and so immature.
# So no offence, but that's the truth. #
And, they kept irritating Taufik.
I am sure when they're Taufik,
They'll feel sad being bullied.
I'll drop the subject ... =.=''
I don't like my History teacher .
Her name is Mrs Vasu,
And those boys in my class made fun of her name.
Mrs. Kiasu.
For my Chinese teacher, hmmms .
Her name is Mrs Tan .
Tan Bee Bee
Two bees . How scary .
LOLS no offence .
My Maths Teacher ?
Miss Lim .
She said that she could be gentle and fierce .
Be gentle with girls,
And fierce with boys please. (:
English teacher ?
Miss Elizabeth .
She speaks fluent English .
How envy-ious .
And, she quite pretty too !(:
Literature .
His name is : Mr Koo
But he isn't cool ehs .
He wears all those big big glasses, those retro style.
And, he's only 24 years old or 29 .
So young but so old fashioned .
And would you embarrass yourself infront of the whole class,
just to get one HACKS sweet ?
No right ?(:
My DM damn fierce and scary.
But, I saw her funny side today .
During assembly, she joked on us .
She said she a KuKu when crossing the road.
KuKu is stupid in Malay, I guess.
And standing by the traffic light
like a KuKu bird
Isn't that disgusting ?
Ewwww . . . . .
My form teacher is Miss Georene Kang.
She has been teaching for 9 years,
but she's still a Miss .
My Aesthetics teacher for DNT
Mr . Clement Lim
Clement is the name of my previous gay tutor.
Eeee-yer .
I had Fishball Noodles today,
And I'm eating noodles everyday .
How cool .
Anyone joining the Girl Guides ?
I'm joining.(:
Oh yeas, who wanna watch,
"Ponyo on The Cliff by the Sea" ?
Tell me . I'll be joining you(:
Labels: Bedok South, Friends
Happy New 2009 ! :D
Nothing to update, so I'll do a quiz !
1.What's your full name?
2.do i like my name?
i want to change ehs, to leying
3.How long have you like the person you currently like?
4. Have you kiss anyone before?
YEA! My parents and my BFF. paiseh i not les
5.Did you cry today?
yea, when i was watching money no enough II this afternoon. LOLS
6.What are you doing in the morning 8?
sleeping :D I slept at only 5.30 am ehs.
7.What are you doing an hour ago?
watching tv.
8.What are you currently doing?
your quiz =.=''
9.Who last texted you a message?
paiseh i don't have handphone
10.Have you told anyone you love them today?
eh i forgot.
11.Do you miss anyone now?
singdee and cheryl (:
12. Any plan for tomorrow?
13.What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
i told you i watch money no enough II alr.
14.Is there anyone you want to be with now?
15.Have you kiss anyone with the name starting with 'S'?
singdee lorhs. paiseh i not les. dun think dirty :D
16. Name someone who made you smile today. How?
i smile for no reasons. SERIOUSLY. Zzz.
17.Name a friend whose name starts with 'Z'.
that's me. NO ONE~
18.Which of a friend stay closest to you?
xinlan :DD
19.Do you prefer to call or to text?
i dun have handphone but i prefer to text.
20.Was yesterday better than today?
YES! i made someone happy. ;)
21. Can you live a day without your TV and your phone?
as long i have my computer. but, I NEED A TV WHEN IT'S THE LITTLE NYONYA.
22.Are you mad about anything now?
yes, i could not get into tampines secondary. ):
23.Do you ever think that relationship are worth in to.
24. Last person you visited in the hospital.
do not curse me thank you for your co-operation . :D
25.When is your second and last hug.
yesterday ?
26.wat does ur last msg say.
paiseh i no handphone
27.how you feel about life?
be happy lorhs
28.Do you hate anyone?
duh, the chong hui xin
29. Last person you called?
yesterday ?
30.Who usually send you the most text in a month?
i told you i have no handphone =.=''
31.Is your room messy now?
a little., :P
Tag 10 ppl to do this quiz.
1. singdee
2. cheryl
3. alicia
4. richelle
5. jutima
6. rafiq
7. bla
8. bla
9. bla
10. bla
Labels: Quiz