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Sunday, October 12, 2008
From: Alicia (:

1) Taken or single?
- Single.

2) Do you like it?
- ...
3) Have you ever had your heart broken?
- When he said he like someone else.

4) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
- Think so...

6) Are you missing someone right now?
- Yea.

7) Have you talked about marriage with someone?
- Never.

8) Do you want children?
- Adpot one.

9) If yes, how many?
- One would be enough.

10.) Would you consider adoption ?
- My answer on the top.

11) If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
- Love him back, if the him is 'him'.

12) Do you want someone you can't have?
- Who?

13) Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
- Happy Birthday

14) Do you get butterflies when you're around your crushes..
- Think so.
15) Do any of your ex's still have feelings for you?
- No ex!

16) Have you slept at a Boyfriend/Girlfriend's House?
- Not allowed to do that.

17) Do you love someone?
- Yes.

18) Do they know?
- Yes. I had confessed to him.

19) Was your last kiss with someone you like?
- ... Who? Can someone close to you?

20) What's on your mind right now?
- Killing Chong HuiXin; take more neoprints.

10 Person to do:
- Cheryl:)
- SingDee:)
- My fatty bro
- Paul Nelson
- Jaja the Alien from Mars
- Gaga the Alien from Neptune.
