Labels: What a Day

Labels: What a Day

Took 42 bus in the morning.
Go school marhs
Then, Jutima gave a keychain;
With my name on it.
And, the morning assembly.
A stupid funny show.
About emergency.
First, a puppet.
Then, KFC. (Kenny the Friendly Chicken) =.=''
Then, a dunno what pig or boy or girl or chicken or duck or what the fcuk
Then, went back to class.
Because of the show,
We only had 30 minutes of Chinese.
30 minustes past so quickly.
Like in a blink of an eye
Not so drama-tic larhs.
Then, English.
Same, when it is 9.30am;
(whiched past 1/2 an hour)
The firedrill rang.
But the most lucky unluckiest thing was,
The whole school had recess together.
So squeezy.
Made me queue for my food so long.
Bought noodles rice again
Then, the bell rang after I ate.
Rushed back to class.
Was being 'ordered' to read a chapter on Science.
Then, I pretended I was reading the Science.
I am reading SPI's Strange Tales!
I am so evil.
Do some worksheets
Then, time more Maths.
I have to share my textbook with Teh JiaTeng.
Suay like siao.
What a day again
xoxo,luv 520- -
im waiting for you;
till i die}}
Labels: What a Day

(Blogged @ 25th June 2008)
7.30pm- -
Was suppose to go down to the hall.
Then the Chris say what Mrs Tay ask we all stay in class.
Wasted our time.
Then, took the courage,
When to the hall.
An Indian/Malay man was talking about PSLE thingy.
He said "If your like Maths, Maths will also like you.
If you hate Maths, Maths will also hate you."
LOL =.=''
Some more he say what subject have feelings.
What nonsense. =.=''
Subjects are non-living things.
Yea, agree with me?
8.00pm- -
Lessons starts.
Revised English
9.00pm- -
Mother Tongue.
Same old thing.
Blarh Blarh Blarh =.=''
10.00pm- -
Bought rice.
Yum Yum! ^o^
10.30pm- -
Went to Computer Lab 3
Took the NE Quiz.
Quite simple.
'Cos about Singapore History
If I am not
I got the highest score.
09760. Rank: Colonel (Pronouced: krn nl)
So so happy. Ha Ha! ^o^
Revised some angles sums
Do some classwork.
Then, the bell rang.
Gotta go
After school, busy. So gotta sign off for now!
Going to shower.
xoxo,luv 520- -
the rainbows expressedmy love;
for you}}
Labels: What a Day

Labels: What a Day

Labels: New Blogskin
Yesterday, 18th June 2008, Wednesday, During the Break in School... Disaster strikes at my friends. (including myself, la!)
Firstly, we all bought food at western stall except WeeAnne.
Then, found a table to settle down.
Then, I occupy a space to eat.
Then, realised the space I occupied was HuiXin's.
Then, WeeAnne (the extra one), came.
Then, no more space for HuiXin and WeeAnne to sit.
Then, they went faraway to sit.
Then, they gossiped.
Then, we also gossiped.
Then, everyone gossiped.
Then, HuiXin asked YunQing to go over.
Then, HuiXin asked her some questions. (whether we got gossip about them)
Then, HuiXin asked Paul Nelson to go over by tapping his shoulders.
Then, asked the same questions.
Then, HuiXin and WeeAnne came to me.
Then, asked the same old grandpa questions.
Then, disaster strikes, lorhs
Then, went back to class.
Then, blah blah blah.
(No more thens.)
After school,
Went to the old place.
Went walking down the streets.
Saw WeeAnne and HuiXin.
Knew they wanted to go the old place and ransack our bags,
So, followed them.
They went to my bag.
Opened it.
Wanted to take my homework.
But, to no avail. Haha! ^o^''
Cos' they saw me (my head) =.=''
So, never take!
They went to the swing.
WeiLiang and YunQing came.
HuiXin asked WeiLiang and YunQing wanted to friend who.
YunQing decided to go along with HuiXin.
WeiLiang then followed us.
(so sad, they got separated)
Siti came to the old place.
Asked Siti who she wanted to friend.
Me. Muhahahahaha ^^''
After Muhahahahaha-ing, it began to rain cats and dogs.
Luckily, there is no cats and dogs.
Went to CC.
Went to get something to drink.
After that, found a place to settle down.
Thunder and thunder.
Think-ed, decided to go my house.
My good friends followed me to avoid the rain.
So, they stayed until 5.30pm
End of the disaster story,
*LONG TIME NO BLOG* Yesterday went to my mother's side grandma's house. Er, I should start from the afternoon or the evening? I guess, the evening. Kkz.
Since my grandma is celebrating for my cousin, who had completed his studies in AMERICA, [wow!], so she ordered a mini-buffet. You want me to make you hungry? Okay, I think I will. Muahahahaha =.=''
These are the dishes: [written in chinese]
1. 炒饭
2. 炸鱼片 (with Tartar Sauce)
3. 柠檬鸡扒
4. 红烧豆腐
5. 排骨王
6. 迷你巧克力扑
7. 迷你春卷
8. 龙眼?仁豆腐 (the ? should be almond)
And more of some home-made dishes:
1. 米粉/面
2. 虾 (steamed)
3. 咖厘
And, some more, I like eat until my stomach wanna burst. Haizz... Sure gain another few more KGs but never mind 'cos the 柠檬鸡扒 & 迷你巧克力扑 is so delicious! Eh, and... SORRY! =.='', for making you all so hungry. ^o^
xoxo,luv 520--
you are being occupied into my heart}}
Labels: Buffet, Long Time no Blog

Labels: Dumpling Festival, Love

Labels: Friends, Him, Love, Miss
Eh, only want love, don't want marriage but that picture above is nice. So, I saved it, lor.
Yup, this is my 90th Post. Okayz. Means I blogged for more than 90 days lerhx. =X
Sianx. Yesterday, had a dream again. About ghosts again. Then, termites crawled over my face. Yukes. >.<'' Hope that doesn't happen in real life.
Yesterday, went to Bedok early in the morning around 9.30p.m (That's early for me. =.='') with my mother & my grandma. My grandma went to the clinic for some medical checkup. So, I went to the Princess Cinema's McDonald's to get somehing to eat. Yummy. Hotcakes. There's the Maple Syrup. [Maple, huh.] Drank Milo then waited for my grandma's turn to see the doctor. The doctor is a girl. And of course, she is kind. LoL?!?!?!? =X After that, my grandma went to eat her lunch @ a hawker centre while me and my mother went to do some shopping. Bought a new watch. Yellow and White in colour. Nice =.='' After that, went back to the hawker centre and I ordered chicken rice. $2 only per plate. Cheap right?!?!?! LoL! Then, bought Soya Milk with PEARLS @ Mr Bean. Of course, not that stupid Mr Bean =.='' Then, took a taxi home.
Haizz... One day so fast gone. Hope can be longer so have more holidays. =X
xoxo,luv 520--
agreed with only want love, don't want marriage}}
xoxo,luv 520--
Labels: Love

Labels: Love
30th May 2008 - 1st Day @ Tanjung Pinang
Arrived at school at 6.45am. LOL. Waited for SingDee. Haizz, waited for her so long. Thought she will not come. =.0''
Went to the hall for briefing. Then, SingDee came. Phew =.=''. Chit chat bla bla bla.
Beep.... Arrived @ TMFT. Nice. Looked like Changi Airport o.0'' LOL >.<''
Boarded the ferry. DISSY. *Puke*. {of course, I did not puke. But I feel like puking.}
Bought Pop Mie in the ferry. YUMMY! Only SGD1.00. CHEAP. LOL!
When we arrive in Tanjung Pinang, went to the school. Sat in a really mini van. Squeeze her and there. LOL
Was being welcomed. Then, ate lunch at the school. The rice was hard, the vege was hard, the keropok was NICE. At least, I get to complete the plate of rice. LOL. After that, went painting the tables and chairs. The paint was red in colour. Likes so traditional. LOL?!?!?! =.=''. Watch a performance at the school. Wonderful^^ Liked the malay dance. Waited and waited. Finally, get to go to the hotel. Named Halim Hotel. Weird? The hotel likes so scary. The toilet likes so the TOOT. Can peep through derhs. >.<'' Ate dinner. Had a party with SingDee, Ainin, Widad and Anis. Watched Rhythm of Life. Muahahaha =.='' Slept for only 1 hour. Then, went to Ainin, Widad and Anis's room. *PLAYED AND LAUGH WAKAKAKAKA*. LoL T.T'' After that, went back room. Slept for another 2 hours. Watched the TV. Sianx.
31st May 2008 - 2nd Day @ Tanjung Pinang
Waited for out turn to eat breakfast. The breakfast was delicious!! YUMMY. Drank a cup of MILO. Hello? I was suffering from dehydration LOL. Went back to the school. Watched a performance again. Then, had a game. Had lunch in school again. Just took the keropok and a cup of dessert. YUMMY. After that, went shopping. Instead of shopping, went to the arcade. Wee hahaha. Fun. Soon, 45 minutes past. Went back to the Tanjung Pinang Ferry Terminal. Took the ferry again. Was so energetic in the ferry. Soon, reached Singapore. So fast =.=''
Haiz... Hope it is a 3D2N programme. Well, got to go. Seeya ^^

Mini van ------------------->
xoxo, luv you till death- waiting for you to say 'I love you'}}