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Monday, April 14, 2008
♥ Seafood dinner... YUM!

13th April 2008. 18:14:00. Arrived @ East Coast Park with my family to have a seafood dinner. Well, you see, is it weird to have a dinner without dessert? Yes, that was my family style. Dinner with no desserts. Weird, yeah?

I'll tell you the yummy dishes my dad ordered:
1st) Mushroom tofu
2nd) Vegetable
3rd) One-of-a-kind prawn; crab
4th) Seabass
5th) Sri Lanka Chilli King Crab - yummy @.@
Well, the meal cost a handsome price, you see. But I enjoyed the dinner. Ahh!

It's the chilli crab >>>

It's the honeydew drink >>>

Hope you enjoyed the 'fake' dinner here,


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