Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy 29th February a.k.a Happy Leap Year!
Hi! Today is the 29th of February!! Happy 29th Februdary!! (Or you can greet as 'Happy Leap Year!!') So happy cos' today only 4 years once. Hmm, if there's a baby borned today, the the baby only celebrate his/her birthday 4 years once. So sad... (That means: In 2012, the baby is only 1 years old!!) Haizz, so unlucky but also very lucky!! :pThx^^-Qun-Labels: Occasions
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Pupil from 6 Caring rocks!!!
6 Caring pupils (including Miss Dayanah), haha^^, rocks!#$%^&**&^%$#!Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Tan Wei Liang the noisy friend
Tan Wei Liang arhh, he very funny. Always makes other people laugh like mad.. Haha :pThx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Chong Hui Xin the friendship girl
Hmm... Whenever I think of Hui Xin, it always brings a lot of childhood pastime... Haha^^ 6 years of friends =.=Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Ho Sing Dee, my funny buddy
Sing Dee, she is a cheerfull girl in the class. Leads a simple life as me. Haha! Really got a lot of fate!*~*~Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Thank you, Paul Nelson Naval Amante!
Hey! Paul helped me! He is very supportive! (and very funny...) Haha! Make friend with him if you see him!Thx^^-Qun-P.S: CA1 over liaos~*~*Labels: Friends
Thursday, February 21, 2008
YES!!! Singapore is the country which is going to host the EVER FIRST OLYMPIC GAMES IN THE WORLD!!! Yea! Singapore rocks^^ I love you Singapore! <3 face="Arial">
*PS: I am too overjoyed...^^
Yea! Singapore rocks^^
I support for SINGAPORE in the YOG 2010~~~
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
CA1 is coming liaos~ La~la... La~la
So sad... CA1 coming in 1 day time! (aka tomorrow)... Must study hard... I will stop blogging from tommorow onwards till next Wednesday (aka next week)... Sorry to all my viewers! I'll try to improve BLOGGING after my exams~ Thanks^^Best wishes and good luck,-Qun-~ Jazz Walking Down The Streets ~EST. 2008 by Jazz
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ahh... I can rest liaos~
Yay! Finally... I get to rest. So tired... Hmm... After some little edits to my blog, I guess it is nicer^^ L0L!Leave comments if have any suggestions^^ Thanks^^*CA1 coming liaos... Must work hard. Good luck to all~Thx^^-Qun-~*~*Jazz Walking Down The Streets*~*~EST. 2008 by Jazz
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hi! Tomorrow is Chinese New Year Eve! So happy. Go home at 10am!! I wish everyday go home that early... LOL!I, -Qun- wishes all my friends a Happy Lunar New Year!!Good luck in this NEW YEAR,-Qun-
veuillez agréer l'expression de nos salutations distinguées
yours | truly

oh, hellooooooooo
ZIQUN((:, also known as the popular musician, Melzart.
She's a HUGE fan of the sexy, flirty and amazing LADY GAGA ♥.
Her true friends in school, Regine, Xiaotong & Denise came out
with this oh-so-well-so-idiotic name, 抹杀. She is currently
in Opera Estate Pri Bedok South Sec with a position called
Eye Care Monitor 2D Editoral Team. Her wonderful class is 6 Caring
Sec 2 Dinosaur. She loves being a Brownie Guide, which has been promoted to Patrol Second recently and a happy little girl in CABIN. She is located in the Little Red Dot.
Please give her presents on 26 November, and her horoscope is non either than Sagittarius. She is a crazy fan of Habbo.
If you ever saw habbone in Habbo, do add her.
Any quires should be directed to here.
Countdown to her birthday: 
True friends in BDS{♥}
2 DINOSAUR(: '10 {♥}
SingDee {♥}
Cheryl {♥}
Myself {♥}
CHOCOLATES!(((((: {♥}
God {♥}
Family {♥}
Nature {♥}
Cycling {♥}
Spammers {X}
Smokers {X}
Betrayers {X}
Liars {X}
Buy another Habbo 200c {√}
Be HC Member (((: {√}
Another violet infalte [2nd] {√}
Create group in Habbo :DDD {√}
TDP [habbone] LOYAL EMPLOYEES. :DD {√}
iPod { }
Handphone {√}
Handphone strap :DD {√}
New wallet {√}
MacBook { }
Friday, February 29, 2008
Happy 29th February a.k.a Happy Leap Year!
Hi! Today is the 29th of February!! Happy 29th Februdary!! (Or you can greet as 'Happy Leap Year!!') So happy cos' today only 4 years once. Hmm, if there's a baby borned today, the the baby only celebrate his/her birthday 4 years once. So sad... (That means: In 2012, the baby is only 1 years old!!) Haizz, so unlucky but also very lucky!! :pThx^^-Qun-Labels: Occasions
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Pupil from 6 Caring rocks!!!
6 Caring pupils (including Miss Dayanah), haha^^, rocks!#$%^&**&^%$#!Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Tan Wei Liang the noisy friend
Tan Wei Liang arhh, he very funny. Always makes other people laugh like mad.. Haha :pThx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Chong Hui Xin the friendship girl
Hmm... Whenever I think of Hui Xin, it always brings a lot of childhood pastime... Haha^^ 6 years of friends =.=Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Ho Sing Dee, my funny buddy
Sing Dee, she is a cheerfull girl in the class. Leads a simple life as me. Haha! Really got a lot of fate!*~*~Thx^^-Qun-Labels: Friends
Thank you, Paul Nelson Naval Amante!
Hey! Paul helped me! He is very supportive! (and very funny...) Haha! Make friend with him if you see him!Thx^^-Qun-P.S: CA1 over liaos~*~*Labels: Friends
Thursday, February 21, 2008
YES!!! Singapore is the country which is going to host the EVER FIRST OLYMPIC GAMES IN THE WORLD!!! Yea! Singapore rocks^^ I love you Singapore! <3 face="Arial">
*PS: I am too overjoyed...^^
Yea! Singapore rocks^^
I support for SINGAPORE in the YOG 2010~~~
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
CA1 is coming liaos~ La~la... La~la
So sad... CA1 coming in 1 day time! (aka tomorrow)... Must study hard... I will stop blogging from tommorow onwards till next Wednesday (aka next week)... Sorry to all my viewers! I'll try to improve BLOGGING after my exams~ Thanks^^Best wishes and good luck,-Qun-~ Jazz Walking Down The Streets ~EST. 2008 by Jazz
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ahh... I can rest liaos~
Yay! Finally... I get to rest. So tired... Hmm... After some little edits to my blog, I guess it is nicer^^ L0L!Leave comments if have any suggestions^^ Thanks^^*CA1 coming liaos... Must work hard. Good luck to all~Thx^^-Qun-~*~*Jazz Walking Down The Streets*~*~EST. 2008 by Jazz
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hi! Tomorrow is Chinese New Year Eve! So happy. Go home at 10am!! I wish everyday go home that early... LOL!I, -Qun- wishes all my friends a Happy Lunar New Year!!Good luck in this NEW YEAR,-Qun-